NW3 Bar and Kitchen

Status: Closed
Address: 154 Haverstock Hill, NW3 2AY (streetmap) (osm) (gmap) (bingmap) (streetview)
London borough: Camden
Former name(s): Haverstock Arms
Haverstock Arms
Haverstock Tavern
Historical parish: Hampstead
Dates open: by 1866-2015
Owner: Mitchells and Butlers (former)
Notes: Renamed as the "Havers" in c2010, as the "Haverstock Arms" in 2011, and as the "NW3 Bar and Kitchen" in 2014. Later just a restaurant, now residential with a hotel.
Photo taken in April 2011
Sources: Open date: Pub Wiki
Close date/Renaming: Tris C (e-mail)
Owner: London Drinker U234
London Drinker WP15
PO 1869/1882/1895/1915 (all as "Haverstock Tavern")
Tris C (e-mail)
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