Mist on Rocks

Status: Closed
Address: 518 Wandsworth Road, SW8 3JX (streetmap) (osm) (gmap) (bingmap) (streetview)
London borough: Lambeth
Former name(s): Plough Inn
Former address: [or 518-522 Wandsworth Road]
[also listed as 518-520 Wandsworth Road (1921/1896)]
Historical parish: Clapham
Dates open: c1869-c2017
Good Beer Guide: [Plough Inn:] 1975, 1992-1993
Owner: Young's (former)
Website: Website
Notes: Renamed as the "Mist on Rocks" in 2012. Formerly the brewery tap for the now-gone Plough Brewery (situated next door and to the rear, at 516 Wandsworth Road).
Photo taken in July 2009
Sources: Open date: CAMRA
Close date: WhatPub
Renaming: pub website/London Drinker U229
Census 1911 [M Smedley]
OS 1962 (as "Plough Inn")/1970/1988
PO 1878/1896/1906/1914/1921
If you have any corrections or additions to make to this entry, please email pubologyblog@gmail.com quoting the pub name.