Navy Arms

Status: Closed
Address: 60 New King Street, SE8 3JE (streetmap) (osm) (gmap) (bingmap) (streetview)
London borough: Lewisham
Former address: [also listed as 60 Dock Street (now Prince Street) (1881)]
27 New King Street (pre-1891)
Historical parish: Deptford
Dates open: by 1826-at least 1983
Notes: Now residential.
Photo taken in April 2008
Sources: Census 1861 [H Humby]/1871 [M Fowler]/1911 [G Cassidy]
OS 1983
PO 1826/1840/1847/1858/1869/1882/1895/1915 (all as "Navy Arms")
References: MS 11936/546/1228414
If you have any corrections or additions to make to this entry, please email quoting the pub name.